Cluster of mushrooms growing on a tree stump with green moss and scattered brown leaves.

Honouring my teachers

My work has been, and continues to be, shaped in many ways and forms. By my own life and experiences. By the Land and all its inhabitants. By all the ones who came before me and the ones to which I am a future ancestor. By relationships and people. Although this is not a complete list, for it is ever growing, I would like to honour the lineages, schools and wisdom keepers of these practices, and express my gratitude to some of the teachers and mentors, that I have learned from, worked with and/or, continue to do so.

I am deeply grateful to the whole Uplifted Yoga team, and especially Brett Larkin and Lesley Fightmaster, for supporting me in the beginning of my path and Yoga Teacher Training. To all the BlissBabyYoga team for the beautiful expansive experience during my Pre and Post Natal Yoga Teacher Training.

To Sifu Anthony Korahais and Máire Ní G. for so much of my Qigong education and ongoing growth, both in the Buddhist and Taoist traditions. And to Daniela Jutronich who kindly mentored me in the beautiful practice of Nu Zi Gong (Women Qigong).

To Tom Myers, Kristin Leal and Ana Outsubo for my love for Anatomy (especially fascia) and the poetry of the body. And to Lisa Fitzpatrick for the teachings around the female pelvic floor anatomy and physiology.

To Gemma Brady, teacher, mentor, and a constant source of inspiration, for holding me in my Circle journey, Life and work thresholds, and endless support in my Circle Facilitation Training along all the other teachers and circle sisters who have held me (and continue to do so) along the way. To Katie Kurtz for her teachings in holding Trauma-Informed Spaces, through her Cultivate training.

To all my Kindrêd family and especially Jesh de Rox, Theresa de Rox, Katie K. and Katie O’Farrel for our endless explorations on Joy, Aliveness, Play and Beauty, alchemizing life in the most wonderful way.

To all the Manifestor Community team and teachers, especially Holly Herbig, for such a unique, expansive experience with the Manifestor Mastery Advanced Certification as a Human Design and Gene Keys reader & teacher.

To Sarah of Magdalene and the absolutely amazing guest teachers and facilitators of my Maiden to Mother Teacher Training cohort - Kritee Kanko, Kina Reed, Marilu Shinn, Christena Cleveland, Kamya O’Keeffe, Melanie Joy, Aimee Aroha, Marya Stark, Camden Torres, Cassie Uhl, Jess Wadden, Reena Desai, Kelsey Lewis, Britt Radz, Gina Clover, Bergen Hyde, Kalah Hill and Priya Assal. Thank you for holding me in Mother with unconditional love, tenderness, strength and embracing all that I am.

To all the Blossom and Berry, especially Prema (Gayle Berry) for supporting me through the Wild Wellbeing Diploma in holding space for Mothers and Babies in Nature and also to all my Sisters who I’ve sat in ceremony with, practising, creating and holding beautiful Mother Blessing Ceremonies and Baby Blessing Ceremonies. Thank you for holding me so tenderly and with so much beauty, while also honouring all Mothers and Babies in our work together.

To Heenali Patel, sister-mentor in Ancestral Business, for all the guidance, support and teachings in feeling, holding and embodying my work as a sacred energy that is being birthed through me as a tapestry of ancestral wishes, hopes and dreams. To Nisha Moodley for her spaces which were fundamental in my path of connecting to the soul of my work.

To Katriina Kilpi, Leonia Nunes and all the beautiful and supportive Forest Mind family, for the loving collaborations and continuous learning to share our love for the Forests with the world.

To the Rooted Healing community, especially Ben Stopford and Veronica Stanwell, and all the rooted ones who co-created a space of transformational slow exploration of ourselves and the living world that we are the stewards of, for the tender and in-depth journeys to the core of what it is to belong.

And so many others. This list is not closed and will be growing with me, alongside many ongoing cycles of integration work. I have a passion for learning, but everything I share comes from the seat of my intuition, rooted in the embodiment of all these teachings.